A student builds a gaming console at GO TEC partner Southern Virginia Higher Education Center’s Career Tech Academy (CTA-IT) as part of their IT program. CTA-IT gives students the hands-on skills needed to build, repair and troubleshoot computers and personal computing devices.
In March 2019, GO TEC received the largest grant to date from the GO Virginia competitive funding pool. The GO Virginia State Board approved an investment of up to $4.9 million, which will be matched 1-to-1 by support from more than 17 local partners.
The project will deliver workforce training and talent development through a “hub and spoke” model and will target in-demand occupations identified across Southern and Southwest Virginia. Targeted career paths include IT/cybersecurity; robotics, automation and mechatronics; precision machining; welding; and advanced materials. Participating GO Virginia Regions include 1, 3 and 4, an area thatencompasses many of Virginia’s rural counties stretching from Wythe County to Greensville County.
The program extends the pipeline to about 1,414 students of six participating middle schools, including E.W. Wyatt during the 2019-2020 school year and will continue to grow.
The Institute for Advanced Learning and Research (IALR) and the Great Opportunities in Technology and Engineering Careers (GO TEC) staff and advisory board have selected and unveiled a new brand for the GO TEC project.
The selection process was facilitated by IALR and completed with the input of students, educators, industry, economic developers and GO TEC Advisory Board members.
The logo features the GO TEC name in modern, high-tech font with the color grey and an energetic motion-oriented lime green. The “O” in “GO” incorporates the look of a power button to insinuate technology, movement and the concept of empowering talent with the skills to attract and retain top-quality industry.
“We are extremely excited to introduce and begin using the new GO TEC logo in our communication and branding efforts,” said Dr. Tammy Hurt, GO TEC program manager. “As we grow this talent development project into the full progressive model it is intended to be, a cohesive, well-positioned brand is critical to its success and ability to engage participants.”